Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hanging out with Bubba

So this weekend mom and dad left me and Syd home. Bad idea. As two young adults do, we eventually got bored and decided to take a few guns out back and shoot stuff. Well as some of you may know, I have a garden in the backyard with a toilet as a center piece, yes a toilet! The things my mother lets me get away with. Anyway, me and Syd were shooting the rock behind the house, just bein dorks. He was given me advice how to improve my shot. Well I asked him if he had hit my toilet with his snowmachine cause the front of it was broken off, and he was like no but I am gonna shoot it. And at first being the older smarter one of the two I protested, I was like "No, it will make a huge mess and I will just end up cleaning it up when the snow melts," well being my little brother he PROMISES to clean up EVERY piece as soon as the snow melts, "imagine how fun it will be." We both laughed, I decided we would go through with it, but I HAD to video it so we could laugh about it later. Well you can watch the video and tell the first shot just cracked a bunch of it and sent pieces flying EVERYWHERE, including at Syd's face, one piece hit him in the mouth and he was bleeding a bit, and we laughed and he shot it again, shattering the WHOLE thing. We didnt tell our parents of course, they would be mad, so it snowed and my mom finally noticed the toilet was in pieces and she sent me a picture message of it and it said, "I think it may need some glue," lol and then Syd showed her the video, she too laughed but said one of us could have lost an eye. But that would have been a great story huh? lol. So that was my funny experience with Bub the other day. I'm still laughing!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ag Ambassador Interview

So a few weeks ago I was hanging out in USU College Of Ag building and I noticed a poster that was advertising an Ag Ambassador position was open and applications were due. So I decided to go and apply. What do I have to lose?? Lol. So I finally had my interview today, and not knowing what in the world to expect, I went in, in my USU Hoodie, my favorite Cruel Girls, and my pink Camo Ariats. Well, the Mr. Amazing guy before me was in slacks, a nice button up shirt, and to top it off a tie. Yeah I hope they don't go on how we dressed up cause I apparently didnt get that memo!! ha ha. But oh well, if I dont get the position I will get the experience and know for next time that I need to dress up a bit more!! ha ha. Spring Break was great for me! I went to Malta for a few days, and then spent the rest of it in Bear Lake. I went to the movie with Kayla, oh how I love that pregnant girl!! Me and Trav's girls went to Tessa's house for a play date, that was fun. THe kids were hilarious. But all in all it was good!! :) Its snowing today...darn it!! Well I am off to write yet another paper!! Love you all!